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Start living your best life!

Create a wellness lifestyle that works for you.

Experience More Joy in Your Life With My

Lifestyle Cleanse.

Image by Yulissa Tagle

You have what it takes

to be your best self...

you simply have to make the decision you are ready to be the best version of you. You're right, it's not easy and you will never find the time. You have to MAKE it! But, if you do, you will enjoy the confidence and happiness that comes with being a fit mom. Trust me, I know it seems easier to stay right where you are but you are worthy of the #gofitmom lifestyle.


I have helped hundreds of moms get fit, happy, and healthy through my programs. Together we will take things one day at a time and implement small changes that will drive BIG results.


No diets. No gym required. Just a few changes in your routine, your nutrition and your mind. If you have a goal in mind, please share it with me. I’m here to give you the tools you need to be successful!

Get healthy mama!

Programs designed with you in mind,


Being healthy and feeling good should be a top priority in your life! Don’t let it take a back seat to everything else. How can you take care of those you love when you don't feel your best?


Whether you are looking to lose or manage weight, there are so many ways I can help. Take a look at the programs offered below, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.


Programs designed to ensure you stay right on track to achieve all of your health goals. 


Get My Top Five Self Care Tips For Moms

If you love your children, take care of their mother.

Join the Go Fit Mom community and have my self care tips delivered to your inbox!

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What if you had enough energy to do ALL the things?

I started my programs with other moms to hold one another accountable in a fun and inspiring way. Guess what?! The changes were astonishing. The commitment was tough, but it was addicting, empowering, and fun. Many of us didn't know each other, but we found our circle! I gave them what they needed to be successful in stepping beyond their current boundaries and limitations. They became the fit moms they wanted to be, in turn creating healthy families and happy lives. This is what I want for you, too! I can’t wait to work with you…Fit Mom!

Let's do this!

Joy Holdmeier - Trainer, Coach, Mom

Moms know best!

Here's the down-low...


After realizing how strong and healthy I feel (both physically and mentally) while exercising 6 days a week I will never go back to how I used to be.

Fit Mom Karen H.

I went into this very apprehensive and nervous. For a long time I had put everyone else first but myself and it just became a way of life! As soon as I just took that small 30 minutes a day to myself, I immediately noticed a change in my attitude and lifestyle.

Fit Mom Shannon W.

I wanted to stop and say thank you to Go Fit Mom and all of you in the challenge for helping me get back something I have missed for along time. This challenge has turned my life around and I am so much happier!

Fit Mom Stephanie H.

For the first time in my life I don't want to be skinny, I want to be strong!

Fit Mom Nicole M.

Follow @gofitmom and become #strongasamother

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